{{tag>en en:linux en:time}} ====== Ntp ====== There is several ways to do time synchronization with [[Debian]] : * ntpdate : for one time synchronization * ntp : provide a daemon for permanent synchronization ntpdate is simplier, this page describe how to use it. ===== Installation ===== Installer the package : * ntpdate ===== Use ===== ntpdate can be used directly on the command line : # ntpdate pool.ntp.org 6 Mar 22:24:06 ntpdate[7114]: step time server offset -4.566845 sec # ===== Automatic synchronization ===== To make the time synchronization permanent, we will use cron, for example by adding the file ///etc/cron.d/ntp// with the following content : 59 * * * * root /usr/sbin/ntpdate pool.ntp.org >> /var/log/cron.log ===== Backup ===== * /etc/cron.d/ntp