
PhpMyAdmin is web interface to administrate Mysql databases.
:!: Pay attention to secure phpmyadmin access from internet.


You first need to install Mysql and a Web Server (Apache) with PHP support.

Then to add phpmyadmin, install the package :

  • phpmyadmin

Steps during the install :

  • which web server to configure : select the server you are using, in our case “apache2”
  • Should we configure the phpmyadmin database with dbconfig-common : since version 3, phpmyadmin need a database, using dbconfig-common is a simple way to install it :
    • admin password : enter the root password
    • phpmyadmin password : leave empty to generate a random one


Add the access to phpmyadmin into apache with a configuration similar to :

        <Directory /usr/share/phpmyadmin/>
                allow from all
                Order deny,allow

By default, the apache configuration file (/etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf) is loaded by a symbolic lynk inside /etc/apache2/conf.d.
It is also possible to replace it with a manual load from a config file, for example :

        Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf
        <Directory /usr/share/phpmyadmin/>
                allow from all
                Order deny,allow

By default phpmyadmin is available on the website into /phpmyadmin/.

The phpmyadmin configuration is located in /etc/phpmyadmin/. You can modify here the apache configuration, the access rights, footer and header.


en/linux/phpmyadmin.txt · Last modified: 2011/01/15 22:26 by matthieu
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