This page explain how to configure multimedia on Linux. This means to be able to read the following files :
This section doesn't deal about kernel config and drivers, for this part please look at ALSA
Softs :
Christian Marillat does provide a debian repository with all software required to play video.
For more details, please look at
To install them, add the following line to etc/apt/source.list (for debian testing) : deb testing main Add also the GPG key of Christian to validate the packages : gpg –keyserver –recv-keys 1F41B907
gpg --armor --export 1F41B907 | apt-key add -
Install the following pakages and their depencies :
To listen to music, the most famous player is xmms.
You can also check glurp with MPD.
For video playback, famous players are Xine and Mplayer.