Crashplan est un outil de sauvegarde disponible sur
Ses avantages sont :
A noter que pour les utilisateurs payants, la version Crashplan+ apporte plus de flexibilité.
Attention, crashplan utilise java et consomme une quantité de mémoire importante, je conseille de disposer d'au moins de 512Mo de RAM.
Installation sous linux du client crashplan en version 3.
Crasplan suggère une augmentation du nombre de fichiers surveillé, avec la valeur par défaut de Debian (8192), le message suivant apparait à l'installation :
Your Linux system is currently configured to watch 8192 files in real time. We recommend using a larger value; see the CrashPlan support site for details
Il est possible d'obtenir la valeur actuelle avec la commande :
~# cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches 8192 ~#
Pour modifier cette valeur au démarrage, ajouter le texte suivant à la fin de /etc/sysctl.conf :
# for CrashPlan[]=8192 fs.inotify.max_user_watches=1048576
Après redémarrage :
~# cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches 1048576 ~#
Téléchargement du binaire :
# wget
~# tar -zxvf CrashPlan_3.6.3_Linux.tgz CrashPlan-install/ CrashPlan-install/CrashPlan_3.6.3.cpi CrashPlan-install/EULA.txt CrashPlan-install/INSTALL CrashPlan-install/install.defaults CrashPlan-install/ CrashPlan-install/README CrashPlan-install/scripts/ CrashPlan-install/ CrashPlan-install/scripts/crashplan CrashPlan-install/scripts/CrashPlan.desktop CrashPlan-install/scripts/CrashPlanDesktop CrashPlan-install/scripts/CrashPlanEngine CrashPlan-install/scripts/run.conf ~#
~# cd CrashPlan-install/ ~/CrashPlan-install# ./ Welcome to the CrashPlan Installer. Press enter to continue with installation. Validating environment... detected root permissions No Java VM could be found in your path Would you like to download the JRE and dedicate it to CrashPlan? (y/n) [y] jre will be downloaded You must review and agree to the EULA before installation. Press enter to read the EULA. CODE 42 END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR CONSUMER CRASHPLAN PRO SERVER ==================================================================== IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. YOU WILL HAVE ACCEPTED THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT IF YOU: 1) DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, ACTIVATE, OR USE CODE 42 CRASHPLAN SOFTWARE OR DATA HOSTING SERVICES; OR 2) CLICK THE "I ACCEPT" BUTTON ASSOCIATED WITH THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT. This End User License Agreement ("Agreement") is a legal agreement between you, the customer, and Code 42 Software, a Minnesota company ("Code 42") regarding the purchase, use, and installation of Code 42's CrashPlan Software and/or Data Hosting Services (hereinafter collectively the "Code 42 Products"). In this Agreement, "you" and "your" refer to you, the customer, and his or her agents, and "we", "us" and "our" refer collectively to Code 42. CODE 42 IS WILLING TO ALLOW THE SALE AND USE OF THE CODE 42 PRODUCTS TO YOU ONLY UPON THE CONDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS CONTAINED IN THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. BY ACCEPTING THIS AGREEMENT YOU ARE BINDING YOURSELF TO THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, THEN CODE 42 IS UNWILLING TO ALLOW THE SALE AND USE OF THE CODE 42 PRODUCTS TO YOU AND YOU MUST (A) NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, ACTIVATE, OR USE THE CRASHPLAN SOFTWARE OR DATA HOSTING SERVICES, AND (B) YOU MAY RETURN THE CRASHPLAN SOFTWARE FOR A FULL REFUND OF ITS PURCHASE PRICE. YOUR RIGHT TO RETURN AND A REFUND FOR THE CRASHPLAN SOFTWARE EXPIRES 30 DAYS AFTER ITS PURCHASE, AND APPLIES ONLY IF YOU ARE THE ORIGINAL END USER PURCHASER. IF YOU ARE UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE, YOU MAY NOT PURCHASE OR USE THE CODE 42 PRODUCTS. IF YOU ARE BETWEEN THE AGES OF 14 AND 17 YEARS OF AGE YOU MAY ONLY PURCHASE AND USE THE CODE 42 PRODUCTS AFTER RECIVING PRIOR CONSENT FROM YOUR PARENTS OR LEGAL GUARDIANS. ANY PURCHASE OR USE OF ANY CODE 42 PRODUCTS WITHOUT AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Code 42 makes no representations that the Code 42 Products are appropriate for use in other locations outside of the United States. If you use the Code 42 Products in or from other locations you are responsible for compliance with applicable laws. 1. DESCRIPTION OF CODE 42 PRODUCTS. Throughout this Agreement, the following descriptions shall apply. More detailed information regarding these Code 42 Products can be found at a. "CrashPlan" is the CrashPlan software program that allows you to backup your data once a day to Code 42 using Code 42's Data Hosting Services and/or other storage devices that: 1) are running any form of the CrashPlan Software; 2) have given you permission to backup to that device; and 3) are in a functional state and condition appropriate for receiving and storing your data (e.g., powered on, connected to the Internet, containing appropriate storage space, etc.). CrashPlan does not allow for real-time Do you accept and agree to be bound by the EULA? (yes/no) yes What directory do you wish to install CrashPlan to? [/usr/local/crashplan] /usr/local/crashplan does not exist. Create /usr/local/crashplan? (y/n) [y] What directory do you wish to link the CrashPlan executable to? [/usr/local/bin] What directory do you wish to store backups in? [/usr/local/var/crashplan] /usr/local/var/crashplan does not exist. Create /usr/local/var/crashplan? (y/n) [y] What directory contains your SYSV init scripts? [/etc/init.d] What directory contains your runlevel init links? [/etc/rc.d] /etc/rc.d does not exist. Create /etc/rc.d? (y/n) [y] Your selections: CrashPlan will install to: /usr/local/crashplan And put links to binaries in: /usr/local/bin And store datas in: /usr/local/var/crashplan Your init.d dir is: /etc/init.d Your current runlevel directory is: /etc/rc.d Is this correct? (y/n) [y] y downloading the JRE using wget --2014-05-11 11:49:11-- Résolution de ( Connexion vers (||:80...connecté. requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse...301 Moved Permanently Emplacement: [suivant] --2014-05-11 11:49:11-- Résolution de ( Connexion vers (||:80...connecté. requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse...200 OK Longueur: 46843538 (45M) [application/octet-stream] Sauvegarde en : «jre-7u45-linux-x64.tgz» 100%[=====================================================================================>] 46 843 538 576K/s ds 87s 2014-05-11 11:50:39 (523 KB/s) - «jre-7u45-linux-x64.tgz» sauvegardé [46843538/46843538] Java Installed. Unpacking /root/CrashPlan-install/./CrashPlan_3.6.3.cpi ... 49036 blocs Starting CrashPlan Engine ... Using standard startup OK CrashPlan has been installed and the Service has been started automatically. Press Enter to complete installation. Important directories: Installation: /usr/local/crashplan Logs: /usr/local/crashplan/log Default archive location: /usr/local/var/crashplan Start Scripts: sudo /usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine start|stop /usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanDesktop You can run the CrashPlan Desktop UI locally as your own user or connect a remote Desktop UI to this Service via port-forwarding and manage it remotely. Instructions for remote management are in the readme files placed in your installation directory: /usr/local/crashplan/doc To start the Desktop UI: /usr/local/bin/CrashPlanDesktop Installation is complete. Thank you for installing CrashPlan for Linux. ~/CrashPlan-install#
Sous Debian, il faut utiliser update-rc.d :
~# update-rc.d crashplan defaults update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing ~#
/etc/rc.d/ installé automatiquement peut également être supprimé :
~# l /etc/rc.d/ total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 6 janv. 17:09 S99crashplan -> /etc/init.d/crashplan ~# rm /etc/rc.d/S99crashplan rm : supprimer lien symbolique « /etc/rc.d/S99crashplan » ? y ~# rmdir /etc/rc.d ~#
L'accès à la GUI peut se faire à distance lorsque la machine ne dispose pas d’environnement graphique.
Pour cela il faut configurer une redirection de port dans votre client SSH.
L'idée est la suivante :
La GUI se connecte sur le port 4200 de la machine client ⇒ le client SSH fait la liaison entre le port 4200 local et le port 4243 sur le serveur distant ⇒ le service crashplan écoute sur le port 4243 sur le serveur distant
Les configurations à réaliser sont :