This page describes how to activate the LDAP authentication with DokuWiki.
For more informations on the ldap server configuration, look at OpenLDAP.
The use of LDAP authentication is quite simple, but there is some limitations : it's not possible to use “register” from dokuwiki.
The documentation about LDAP authentication is available here :
To configure the LDAP authentication, you need to edit manually the config file local.php
Here is the configuration of this server :
$conf['useacl'] = 1; $conf['authtype'] = 'ldap'; $conf['superuser'] = '@wikiadmin'; $conf['auth']['ldap']['version'] = 3; $conf['auth']['ldap']['server'] = 'localhost'; $conf['auth']['ldap']['port'] = 389; $conf['auth']['ldap']['binddn'] = 'cn=apache, ou=services, dc=bouthors, dc=fr'; $conf['auth']['ldap']['bindpw'] = '***'; $conf['auth']['ldap']['usertree'] = 'ou=users, dc=bouthors, dc=fr'; $conf['auth']['ldap']['grouptree'] = 'ou=groups, dc=bouthors, dc=fr'; $conf['auth']['ldap']['userfilter'] = '(&(cn=%{user})(objectClass=mboUser))'; $conf['auth']['ldap']['groupfilter'] = '(&(objectClass=mboGroup)(uniqueMember=%{dn}))'; $conf['auth']['ldap']['mapping']['name'] = 'sn'; #$conf['auth']['ldap']['debug'] = true;
Theses options are related to my LDAP tree described inside OpenLDAP.
For information, the following LDAP requests are used :